Wednesday 6 August 2008

BodyLogicMD Reports Increase Of Patients Who Suffer From Adrenal Fatigue

� Bioidentical hormone therapy physicians ar noticing an increase of patients suffering from adrenal fatigue according to BodylogicMD. Women and men world Health Organization suffer the side effects of menopause and andropause (the male menopause) often complain of stress, fatigue, depressed sex drive, exercising weight gain, and anxiety - all of which are indicators of adrenal stress from high cortisol levels. These symptoms of menopause and andropause, which ar common precursors to adrenal fatigue, ar often misdiagnosed and never properly treated.

BodyLogicMD physicians successfully care for and prescribe adrenal stress and adrenal fatigue with bioidentical internal secretion therapy, adrenal boosters and lifestyle changes. BodyLogicMD anti-aging physicians dictate adrenal boosters from pharmaceutical grade supplements such as Metagenics, Orthomolecular and Wilson adrenal channel of products.

BodyLogicMD's Regimen for Treating Adrenal Fatigue:

1. Diagnostic adrenal testing, including comprehensive saliva tests to shape cortisol levels and amounts produced. Saliva tests, through with four times in a day, ar one of the most comprehensive methods for determining your body's reaction to adrenal stress

2. Adding bioidentical internal secretion therapy when necessary

3. Supplementing with a good multi-vitamin, B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, mg, adaptogenic herbs, and DHEA supplements to help nurture adrenal part

4. Avoiding hydrogenated fats, excess caffeine, refined carbohydrates, alcohol and sugar

5. Eating a diet that includes mountain of caliber protein with regular meals of high nutritional value

6. Getting plenty of sleep so the adrenals can quicken overnight

7. Taking meter to pass judgment daily and situational stressors and recitation stress management

8. Gentle exercise, meditation, and yoga

"With such excessive and constant emphasis in our everyday lives with ferment, family, relationships, and finances - the adrenal glands lose their ability to function properly and adrenal fatigue sets in," aforementioned Dr. Alicia Stanton, Chief Medical Officer of BodyLogicMD. "We recommend a usage prescription of pharmaceutical level supplements intentional to treat stress and adrenal fatigue as substantially as nutrition and modus vivendi changes."

When adrenal function is compromised, men and women written report the following symptoms:

- Acne

- Cravings for carbohydrates, sweets or salt

- Depression

- Fatigue

- Feeling tired despite sufficient hours of sleep

- Hair loss

- Insomnia

- Intolerance to cold

- Poor immune mathematical function

- Reliance on stimulants like caffeine

- Weight gain

"We feature seen terrible response to our many-sided approach to treating adrenal fatigue, especially when our patients come to us in the early stages," says Dr. Stanton. "We can actually reverse the symptoms and help reconstruct adrenal function. This has such a positive shock on overall health, as well as a resulting psychological advance, both of which aid our patients regain health and physical balance. They also report feeling more energetic and youthful with the added benefit of an increased libido."

About BodyLogicMD

Founded in 2003, BodyLogicMD is a network of highly trained physician-owned practices specializing in natural bioidentical hormone therapy integrated with fitness and nutrition for men and women suffering from hormonal imbalance, change of life and andropause. Suzanne Somer's latest book Ageless: The Naked Truth About Bioidentical Hormones, features BodyLogicMD as an technical source. For more data and to find the BodyLogicMD location nearest you visit: hTTP://
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